Publications PHOTMAT

Title Author Reference Year Url / DOI
3D Printed Photoresponsive Materials for Photonics Nocentini, S., Martella, D., Parmeggiani, C., Wiersma, D. S. Adv. Opt. Mater. 7, 1900156 2019
A fiber-tip photoacoustic sensor for in situ trace gas detection Zhou, S., and D. Iannuzzi Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 023102 2019
Advances in Cell Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering: The Value of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers Martella, D., C. Parmeggiani Chem. Eur. J. 24, 12206 2018
Attosecond correlation dynamics Ossiander, M., F. Siegrist, V. Shirvanyan, R. Pazourek, A. Sommer, T. Latka, A. Guggenmos, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer, R. Kienberger & M. Schultze Nature Physics 13, 280–285 2017
Attosecond lighthouse above 100 eV from high-harmonic generation of mid-infrared pulses Kovács, K, M Negro, C Vozzi, S Stagira and V Tosa J. Opt. 19, 104003 2017
Attosecond pulse metrology Orfanos, I., I. Makos, I. Liontos, E. Skantzakis, B. Förg, D. Charalambidis and P. Tzallas APL Photonics 4, 080901 2019
Beam steering by liquid crystal elastomer fibres Nocentini, S., D. Martella, D. S. Wiersma and C. Parmeggiani Soft Matter 13, 8590-8596 2017
Before Förster. Initial excitation in photosynthetic light harvesting Karki, K. J., J. Chen, A. Sakurai, Q. Shi, A. T. Gardiner, O. Kühn, R. J. Cogdell and T. Pullerits Chem. Sci. 10, 7923 2019
Biomimetic Polymer Film with Brilliant Brightness Using a One‐Step Water Vapor–Induced Phase Separation Method Zou, W., L. Pattelli, J. Guo, S. Yang, M. Yang, N. Zhao, J. Xu, D. S. Wiersma Adv. Funct. Mater. 29, 1808885 2019
Broadband two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy in an actively phase stabilized pump-probe configuration Zhu, W., R. Wang, C. Zhang, G. Wang, Y. Liu, W. Zhao, X. Dai, X. Wang, G. Cerullo, S. Cundiff, and M. Xiao Opt. Express 25, 21115-21126 2017
Colloidal nanoparticle sorting and ordering on anodic alumina patterned surfaces using templated capillary force assembly Malinovskis, U., A. Berzins, F. H. Gahbauer, R. Ferber, G. Kitenbergs, I. Muiznieks, D. Erts, J. Prikulis Surf. Coat. Technol. 326, 264-269 2017
Competing Nonlinear Delocalization of Light for Laser Inscription Inside Silicon with a 2-µm Picosecond Laser Chambonneau, M., L. Lavoute, D. Gaponov, V.Y. Fedorov, A. Hideur, S. Février, S. Tzortzakis, O. Utéza, and D. Grojo Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 024009 2019
Demonstration of a highly sensitive photoacoustic spectrometer based on a miniaturized all-optical detecting sensor Zhou, S., M. Slaman, and D. Iannuzzi Opt. Express 25, 17541-17548 2017
Design criteria for ultrafast optical parametric amplifiers Manzoni, C. and G. Cerullo J. Opt. 18, 103501 2016
Development of Light-Responsive Liquid Crystalline Elastomers to Assist Cardiac Contraction Ferrantini, C., J. M. Pioner, D. Martella, R. Coppini et al. Circ. Res. 124, e44 2019
Disentangling Spectral Phases of Interfering Autoionizing States from Attosecond Interferometric Measurements Barreau, L., C. L. M. Petersson, M. Klinker, A. Camper et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 253203 2019
Energy and radiative properties of the (3)1Π and (5)1Σ+ states of RbCs: Experiment and theory Alps, K., A. Kruzins, O. Nikolayeva, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, E. A. Pazyuk, and A. V. Stolyarov Phys. Rev. A 96, 022510 2017
Enhanced terahertz wave emission from air-plasma tailored by abruptly autofocusing laser beams Liu, K., A. D. Koulouklidis, D. G. Papazoglou, S. Tzortzakis, and X.-C. Zhang Optica 3, 605-608 2016
Estimation of damped oscillation associated spectra from ultrafast transient absorption spectra van Stokkum, IHM, Jumper CC, Snellenburg JJ, Scholes GD, van Grondelle R, Malý P J. Chem. Phys. 145, 174201 2016
Evidence of depolarization and ellipticity of high harmonics driven by ultrashort bichromatic circularly polarized fields Barreau, L., Veyrinas, K., Gruson, V. et al. Nature Communications 9, 4727 2018
Exciton Trapping Dynamics in DNA Multimers Borrego-Varillas, R., G. Cerullo, and D. Markovitsi J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 1639 2019
Experimental Demonstration of Ultrafast THz Modulation in a Graphene-Based Thin Film Absorber through Negative Photoinduced Conductivity Tasolamprou, A.C., A.D. Koulouklidis, C. Daskalaki, C. P. Mavidis et al. ACS Photonics 6, 720 2019
Extreme THz fields from two-color filamentation of midinfrared laser pulses Fedorov, V. Y., and S. Tzortzakis Phys. Rev. A 97, 063842 2018
Fast stabilization of a high-energy ultrafast OPA with adaptive lenses Negro, M., Quintavalla, M., Mocci, J. et al. Sci. Rep. 8, 14317 2018
Fourier transform spectroscopy in the vibrational fingerprint region with a birefringent interferometer Réhault, J., R. Borrego-Varillas, A. Oriana, C. Manzoni, C. P. Hauri, J. Helbing, and G. Cerullo Opt. Express 25, 4403-4413 2017
Fully Coupled Model for Frequency Response Simulation of Miniaturized Cantilever-Based Photoacoustic Gas Sensors Zhou, S. Sensors 19, 4772 2019
Generation of ultrashort pulses by four wave mixing in a gas-filled hollow core fiber Ciriolo, A.G., A. Pusala, M. Negro, M. Devetta, D. Faccialà, G. Mariani, C. Vozzi and S. Stagira J. Opt. 20, 125503 2018
High photon flux Kα Mo x-ray source driven by a multi-terawatt femtosecond laser at 100  Hz Azamoum, Y., R. Clady, A. Ferré, M. Gambari, O. Utéza, and M. Sentis Opt. Lett. 43, 3574-3577 2018
High-order harmonic generation spectroscopy by recolliding electron caustics Faccialà D, S Pabst, B D Bruner, A G Ciriolo M Devetta, M Negro, P Prasannan Geetha, A Pusala, H Soifer, N Dudovich, S Stagira and C Vozzi J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 134002 2018
Highly efficient broadband terahertz generation from ultrashort laser filamentation in liquids Dey, I., K. Jana, V. Y. Fedorov, A. D. Koulouklidis, A. Mondal, M. Shaikh, D. Sarkar, A. D. Lad, S. Tzortzakis, A. Couairon & G. R. Kumar Nature Communications 8, 1184 2017
Hyperfine level structure in nitrogen-vacancy centers near the ground-state level anticrossing Auzinsh, M., A. Berzins, D. Budker, L. Busaite, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, R. Lazda, A. Wickenbrock, and H. Zheng Phys. Rev. B 100, 075204 2019
Imaging the Renner–Teller effect using laser-induced electron diffraction Amini, K., et al. PNAS 116, 8173 2019
Immersion photoacoustic spectrometer (iPAS) for arcing fault detection in power transformers Zhou, S., and D. Iannuzzi Opt. Lett. 44, 3741 2019
Influence of air humidity on 248-nm ultraviolet laser pulse filamentation Shutov, A.V., D.V. Mokrousova, V.Y. Fedorov, L.V. Seleznev et al. Opt. Lett. 44, 2165 2019
Influence of orbital symmetry on diffraction imaging with rescattering electron wave packets Pullen, M. G., B. Wolter, A.-T. Le, M. Baudisch, M. Sclafani, H. Pires, C. D. Schröter, J. Ullrich, R. Moshammer, T. Pfeifer, C. D. Lin, J. Biegert Nature Communications 7, 11922 2016
Liquid Crystalline Networks toward Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Repair Martella, D., P. Paoli, J. M. Pioner, L. Sacconi, R. Coppini, L. Santini, M. Lulli, E. Cerbai, D. S. Wiersma, C. Poggesi, C. Ferrantini, C. Parmeggiani Small 13, 1702677 2017
Long-scale multiphoton polymerization voxel growth investigation using engineered Bessel beams Manousidaki M, Papazoglou DG, Farsari M, Tzortzakis S Opt. Mater. Express 9, 2838 2019
Mid-Infrared Polarization Spectroscopy Measurements of Species Concentrations and Temperature in a Low-Pressure Flame Sahlberg, A.-L., D. Hot, R. Lyngbye-Pedersen, J. Zhou, M. Aldén, Z. Li Appl. Spectroscopy 73, 653-664 2019
Modulation of Optical Properties in Liquid Crystalline Networks across Different Length Scales De Bellis, I., D. Martella, C. Parmeggiani, E. Pugliese, M. Locatelli, R. Meucci, D. S. Wiersma, and S. Nocentini J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 26522 2019
Molecular frame photoemission by a comb of elliptical high-order harmonics: a sensitive probe of both photodynamics and harmonic complete polarization state Veyrinas, K; Gruson, V; Weber, SJ; Barreau, L; Ruchon, T; Hergott, JF; Houver, JC; Lucchese, RR; Salieres, P; Dowek, D Faraday Discuss. 194, 161-183 2016
Multichannel remote polarization control enabled by nanostructured liquid crystalline networks Zanotto, S., F. Sgrignuoli, S. Nocentini, D. Martella, C. Parmeggiani and D. S. Wiersma Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 201103 2019
Non-invasive photoacoustic detection of hidden underdrawings in paintings using air-coupled transducers Tserevelakis, GJ, P Siozos, A Papanikolaou, K Melessanaki, G Zacharakis Ultrasonics 98, 94-98 2019
Observation of large multiple scattering effects in ultrafast electron diffraction on monocrystalline silicon González Vallejo, I., G. Gallé, B. Arnaud, S. A. Scott, M. G. Lagally, D. Boschetto, P.-E. Coulon, G. Rizza, F. Houdellier, D. Le Bolloc'h, and J. Faure Phys. Rev. B 97, 054302 2018
On-line photoacoustic monitoring of laser cleaning on stone: Evaluation of cleaning effectiveness and detection of potential damage to the substrate Tserevelakis, G J, J S Pozo-Antonio, P Siozos, T Rivas, P Pouli, G Zacharakis J. Cultural Heritage 35, 108-115 2019
Opposite Self-Folding Behavior of Polymeric Photoresponsive Actuators Enabled by a Molecular Approach Martella, D.; Nocentini, S.; Antonioli, D.; Laus, M.; Wiersma, D.S.; Parmeggiani, C. Polymers 11, 1644 2019
Optically Driven Soft Micro Robotics Nocentini, S., C. Parmeggiani, D. Martella, D.. Wiersma Adv. Opt. Mater. 6, 1800207 2018
Optimal wavelength for two-color filamentation-induced terahertz sources Fedorov, V. Y., and S. Tzortzakis Opt. Express 26, 31150-31159 2018
Optimized White Reflectance in Photonic‐Network Structures Utel, F., Cortese, L., Wiersma, D. S., Pattelli, L. Adv. Opt. Mater. 7, 1900043 2019
Orbital angular momentum from semiconductor high-order harmonics Gauthier, D., S. Kaassamani, D. Franz, R. Nicolas, J.-T. Gomes, et al. Optics Letters 44, 546 2019
Phase Memory Preserving Harmonics from Abruptly Autofocusing Beams Koulouklidis, A. D., D. G. Papazoglou, V. Y. Fedorov, and S. Tzortzakis Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 223901 2017
Photonic Microhand with Autonomous Action Martella, D., S. Nocentini, D. Nuzhdin, C. Parmeggiani, D. S. Wiersma Adv. Mater. 29, 1704047 2017
Polarization-dependent deformation in light responsive polymers doped by dichroic dyes Martella, D., S. Nocentini, F. Micheletti, D. S. Wiersma and C. Parmeggiani Soft Matter 15, 1312-1318 2019
Quantum path interferences in high-order harmonic generation from aligned diatomic molecules Chatziathanasiou, S., I. Liontos, E. Skantzakis, S. Kahaly, M. Upadhyay Kahaly, N. Tsatrafyllis, O. Faucher, B. Witzel, N. Papadakis, D. Charalambidis, and P. Tzallas Phys. Rev. A 100, 061404(R) 2019
Role of packing density and spatial correlations in strongly scattering 3D systems Pattelli, L., A. Egel, U. Lemmer, and D. S. Wiersma Optica 5, 1037 2018
Self‐Regulating Capabilities in Photonic Robotics Martella, D., S. Nocentini, C. Parmeggiani, D. S. Wiersma Adv. Mater. Technol. 4, 1800571 2019
Shaping the spectrum of a down-converted mid-infrared frequency comb Campo, G., A. Leshem, F. Cappelli, I. Galli, P. Cancio Pastor, A. Arie, P. De Natale, and D. Mazzotti J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, 2287-2294 2017
Spatially and temporally resolved IR-DFWM measurement of HCN released from gasification of biomass pellets Hot, D., R. L. Pedersen, W. Weng, Y. Zhang, M. Aldén, Z.Li Proc. Combustion Inst. 37, 1337-1344 2019
Spectral bandwidth scaling laws and reconstruction of THz wave packets generated from two-color laser plasma filaments Koulouklidis, A. D., V. Y. Fedorov, and S. Tzortzakis Phys. Rev. A 93, 033844 2016
Spectral super-resolution spectroscopy using a random laser Boschetti, A., Taschin, A., Bartolini, P. et al. Nat. Photonics 14, 177 2020
Structured Optical Materials Controlled by Light Nocentini, S., D. Martella, C. Parmeggiani, S. Zanotto, D. S. Wiersma Adv. Opt. Mater. 6, 1800167 2018
Three-Dimensional Photonic Circuits in Rigid and Soft Polymers Tunable by Light Nocentini, S., F. Riboli, M. Burresi, D. Martella, C. Parmeggiani, and D.S. Wiersma ACS Photonics 5, 3222 2018
THz generation by two-color femtosecond filaments with complex polarization states: four-wave mixing versus photocurrent contributions Fedorov,V. Y.; A. D. Koulouklidis, and S. Tzortzakis Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59, 014025 2017
Tracking the ultrafast XUV optical properties of x-ray free-electron-laser heated matter with high-order harmonics Williams, G. O., et al. Phys. Rev. A 97, 023414 2018
Transformation of ring-Airy beams during efficient harmonic generation Fedorov, V. Yu., D. G. Papazoglou, and S. Tzortzakis Opt. Lett. 44, 2974 2019
Transition from nonsequential to sequential double ionization in many-electron systems Pullen, M. G., B. Wolter, X. Wang, X.-M. Tong, M. Sclafani, M. Baudisch, H. Pires, C. D. Schröter, J. Ullrich, T. Pfeifer, R. Moshammer, J. H. Eberly, and J. Biegert Phys. Rev. A 96, 033401 2017
Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy in the ultraviolet by a birefringent delay line Borrego-Varillas, R., A. Oriana, L. Ganzer, A. Trifonov, I. Buchvarov, C. Manzoni, and G. Cerullo Opt. Express 24, 28491-28499 2016
Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy Unravels sub-100 fs Electron and Hole Relaxation Dynamics in Cd-Chalcogenide Nanostructures Stoll, T., F. Branchi, J. Réhault, F. Scotognella, F. Tassone, I. Kriegel, and G. Cerullo J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 2285-2290 2017
Ultimate Limit in the Spectral Resolution of Extreme Ultraviolet Frequency Combs Corsi, C., I. Liontos, M. Bellini, S. Cavalieri, P. Cancio Pastor, M. Siciliani de Cumis, and R. Eramo Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 143201 2017
Ultrafast electron diffraction imaging of bond breaking in di-ionized acetylene Wolter, B., M. G. Pullen, A.-T. Le, M. Baudisch, K. Doblhoff-Dier, A. Senftleben, M. Hemmer, C. Dieter Schröter, J. Ullrich, T. Pfeifer, R. Moshammer, S. Gräfe, O. Vendrell, C. D. Lin, J Biegert Science 354, 308 2016
Uncovering the hidden content of layered documents by means of photoacoustic imaging Tserevelakis, GJ, M Tsagkaraki, P Siozos, G Zacharakis Strain 55, e12289 2019
Vibronic Wavepackets and Energy Transfer in Cryptophyte Light- Harvesting Complexes Jumper, C. C., I. H. M. van Stokkum, T. Mirkovic, and G. D. Scholes J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 6328-6340 2018
Wannier-Bloch Approach to Localization in High-Harmonics Generation in Solids Osika, E. N., A. Chacón, L. Ortmann, N. Suárez, J. A. Pérez-Hernández, B. Szafran, M. F. Ciappina, F. Sols, A. S. Landsman, and M. Lewenstein Phys. Rev. X 7, 021017 2017