Publications ILAT

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Title Author Reference Year Url / DOI
5-cycle angular-dispersion-compensated mid-infrared idler pulses at 3.1 µm Heiner, Z., V. Petrov, G. Steinmeyer, M. J. J. Vrakking, and M. Mero Opt. Express 26, 25793-25804 2018
5  μm few-cycle pulses with multi-gigawatt peak power at a 1  kHz repetition rate Grafenstein, L. v., M. Bock, D. Ueberschaer, K. Zawilski, P. Schunemann, U. Griebner, and T. Elsaesser Opt. Lett. 42, 3796-3799 2017
7 µm, ultrafast, sub-millijoule-level mid-infrared optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier pumped at 2 µm Sanchez, D., M. Hemmer, M. Baudisch, S. L. Cousin, K. Zawilski, P. Schunemann, O. Chalus, C. Simon-Boisson, and J. Biegert Optica 3, 147-150 2016
43  W, 1.55  μm and 12.5  W, 3.1  μm dual-beam, sub-10 cycle, 100  kHz optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier Mero, M., Z. Heiner, V. Petrov, H. Rottke, F. Branchi, G. M. Thomas, and M. J. J. Vrakking Opt. Lett. 43, 5246-5249 2018
100  kHz Yb-fiber laser pumped 3  μm optical parametric amplifier for probing solid-state systems in the strong field regime Archipovaité, G. M., S. Petit, J.-C. Delagnes, E. Cormier Opt. Lett. 42, 891-894 2017
An ultra-high gain and efficient amplifier based on Raman amplification in plasma Vieux, G., S. Cipiccia, D.W. Grant, N. Lemos, P. Grant, C. Ciocarlan, B. Ersfeld, M.S. Hur, P. Lepipas, G.G. Manahan, G. Raj, D.R. Gil, A. Subiel, G.H. Welsh, S.M. Wiggins, S.R. Yoffe, J.P. Farmer, C. Aniculaesei, E. Brunetti, X. Yang, R. Heathcote, G. Nersisyan, C.L.S. Lewis, A. Pukhov, J.M. Dias, D.A. Jaroszynski. Sci. Rep. 7, 2399 2017
Attosecond Streaking in the Water Window: A New Regime of Attosecond Pulse Characterization Cousin, S.L., N. Di Palo, B. Buades, S.M. Teichmann, M. Reduzzi, M. Devetta, A. Kheifets, G. Sansone, and J. Biegert Phys. Rev. X 7, 041030 2017
Bow-Tie Cavity for Terahertz Radiation Consolino, L.; Campa, A.; Mazzotti, D.; Vitiello, M.S.; De Natale, P.; Bartalini, S. Photonics 2019, 6, 1 2019
Broadband spectral characterization of the phase shift induced by population inversion in Ti:Sapphire Nagymihaly, R. S., H. Cao, P. Jojart, V. Zuba, R. Flender, O. Antipov, I. Seres, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov, K. Osvay, and M. Kalashnikov Opt. Express 27, 1226-1235 2019
CEP-stable few-cycle pulses with more than 190  μJ of energy at 100  kHz from a noncollinear optical parametric amplifier Furch, F. J., T. Witting, A. Giree, C. Luan, F. Schell, G. Arisholm, C. P. Schulz, and M. J. J. Vrakking Opt. Lett. 42, 2495-2498 2017
Chirped pulse amplification in an extreme-ultraviolet free-electron laser Gauthier, D. et. al. Nature Communications 7, 13688 2016
Close to transform-limited, few-cycle 12 µJ pulses at 400 kHz for applications in ultrafast spectroscopy Furch, F.J., A. Giree, F. Morales, A. Anderson, Y. Wang, C.P. Schulz, M.J.J. Vrakking Opt. Express 24, 19293-19310 2016
Coherent beam combining of seven fiber chirped-pulse amplifiers using an interferometric phase measurement Heilmann, A., J. Le Dortz, L. Daniault, I. Fsaifes, S. Bellanger, J. Bourderionnet, C. Larat, E. Lallier, M. Antier, E. Durand, C. Simon-Boisson, A. Brignon, and J.-C. Chanteloup Opt. Express 26, 31542-31553 2018
Compact 200 kHz HHG source driven by a few-cycle OPCPA Harth, A., et al. J. Opt. 20, 014007 2018
Compact radiation sources based on laser-driven plasma waves Jaroszynski, D. A. et al. Proc. SPIE 11042, 110420Y 2019
Compact single-shot d-scan setup for the characterization of few-cycle laser pulses Louisy, M., C. Guo, L. Neoričić, S. Zhong, A. L’Huillier, C. L. Arnold, and M. Miranda Appl. Opt. 56, 9084-9089 2017
Continuous every-single-shot carrier-envelope phase measurement and control at 100  kHz Hoff, D., F. J. Furch, T. Witting, K. Rühle, D. Adolph, A. M. Sayler, M. J. J. Vrakking, G. G. Paulus, and C. P. Schulz Opt. Lett. 43, 3850-3853 2018
Efficient Laser-Driven Proton Acceleration from a Cryogenic Solid Hydrogen Target Polz, J., Robinson, A.P.L., Kalinin, A. et al. Sci. Rep. 9, 16534 2019
Fast iterative retrieval algorithm for ultrashort pulse characterization using dispersion scans Miranda, M., J. Penedones, C. Guo, A. Harth, M. Louisy, L. Neoričić, A. L’Huillier, and C. L. Arnold JOSA B 34, 190-197 2017
Fully phase-stabilized quantum cascade laser frequency comb Consolino, L., Nafa, M., Cappelli, F. et al. Nature Communications 10, 2938 2019
Generalized projection retrieval of dispersion scans for ultrashort pulse characterization Miranda, M., J. Penedones, C. Guo, A. Harth, M. Louisy, L. Neoricic, A. L'Huillier, C. L. Arnold arXiv:1610.04502 [physics.optics] 2016
Generation of few-cycle laser pulses with high temporal contrast via nonlinear elliptical polarisation rotation in a hollow fibre compressor Khodakovskiy, N. G. et al. Laser Phys. Lett. 16, 095001 2019
Generation of millijoule few-cycle pulses at 5  μm by indirect spectral shaping of the idler in an optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier Bock, M., L. v. Grafenstein, U. Griebner, and T. Elsaesser J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, C18-C24 2018
High average power and single-cycle pulses from a mid-IR optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier Elu, U., M. Baudisch, H. Pires, F. Tani, M. H. Frosz, F. Köttig, A. Ermolov, P.St.J. Russell, and J. Biegert Optica 4, 1024-1029 2017
High efficiency second harmonic generation of nanojoule-level femtosecond pulses in the visible based on BiBO Galletti, M., Pires, H., Hariton, V., João, C., Künzel, S., Galimberti, M., & Figueira, G. High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, E11 2019
High power multi-color OPCPA source with simultaneous femtosecond deep-UV to mid-IR outputs Baudisch, M., B. Wolter, M. Pullen, M. Hemmer, and J. Biegert Opt. Lett. 41, 3583-3586 2016
High repetition rate, femtosecond and picosecond laser induced damage thresholds of Rb:KTiOPO4 at 1.03 µm Bach, F., M. Mero, V. Pasiskevicius, A. Zukauskas, V. Petrov Opt. Mater. Express 7, 744-750 2017
High-contrast, high-brightness ultraviolet laser system Gilicze, B., Z. Homik, and S. Szatmári Opt. Express 27, 17377-17386 2019
High-Energy, Short-Duration Bursts of Coherent Terahertz Radiation from an Embedded Plasma Dipole Kwon, K. B., T. Kang, H. S. Song, Y.-K. Kim, B. Ersfeld, D. A. Jaroszynski, M. S. Hur Sci. Rep. 8, 145 2018
Improvement of the temporal and spatial contrast of the nonlinear Fourier-filter Gilicze, B., R. Dajka, I. B. Földes, and S. Szatmári Opt. Express 25, 20791-20797 2017
Intensity modulated terahertz vortex wave generation in air plasma by two-color femtosecond laser pulses Ivanov, M., I. Thiele, L. Bergé, S. Skupin, D. Buožius, and V. Vaičaitis Opt. Lett. 44, 3889 2019
Laser induced damage studies of LiNbO3 using 1030-nm, ultrashort pulses at 10-1000 kHz Bach, F., M. Mero, M.-H. Chou, V. Petrov Opt. Mater. Express 7, 240-252 2017
Laser-induced damage of nonlinear crystals in ultrafast, high-repetition-rate, mid-infrared optical parametric amplifiers pumped at 1 μm Mero, M., L. Wang, W. Chen, N. Ye, G. Zhang, V. Petrov, Z. Heiner Proc. SPIE 11063, 1106307 2019
Laser‐Driven Strong‐Field Terahertz Sources Fülöp, J. A., S. Tzortzakis, T. Kampfrath Adv. Optical Mater. 8, 1900681 2020
Linear autocorrelation of partially coherent extreme-ultraviolet lasers: a quantitative analysis Le Marec, A., O. Larroche, A. Klisnick Opt. Lett. 42, 4958-4961 2017
Modeling of the 3D spatio-temporal thermal profile of joule-class -based laser amplifiers Tamer, I., Keppler, S., Körner, J., Hornung, M., Hellwing, M., Schorcht, F. et al. High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, E42 2019
Numerical Analysis of Thermal Effects in a Concept of a Cryogenically Cooled Yb: YAG Multislab 10 J/100-Hz Laser Amplifier Sawicka-Chyla, M., M. Divoky, O. Slezak, M. De Vido, A. Lucianetti, and T. Mocek IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 55, 5100108 2019
Numerical study of spatiotemporal distortions in noncollinear optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers Giree, A. , M. Mero, G. Arisholm, M.J.J. Vrakking, F.J. Furch Opt. Express 25, 3104-3121 2017
Optical rotatory power of quartz between 77 K and 325 K for 1030 nm wavelength De Vido, M., K. Ertel, A. Wojtusiak, P. D. Mason, P. J. Phillips, S. Banerjee, J. M. Smith, T, J. Butcher, and C. Edwards Opt. Mater. Express 9, 2708-2715 2019
Performance demonstration of the PEnELOPE main amplifier HEPA I using broadband nanosecond pulses Albach, D., Loeser, M., Siebold, M., & Schramm, U. High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, E1 2019
Phase control of attosecond pulses in a train Guo, C. et al. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 034006 2018
Progress in ultrafast, mid-infrared optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers pumped at 1 µm Mero, M., V. Petrov, and Z. Heiner Proc. SPIE 11264, 112640F 2020
QCL-based frequency metrology from the mid-infrared to the THz range: a review Consolino L. et al. Nanophotonics 8, 181 2019
QED cascade with 10 PW-class lasers Jirka, M., O. Klimo, M. Vranic, S. Weber & G. Korn Sci. Rep. 7, 15302 2017
Quantum cascade laser based hybrid dual comb spectrometer Consolino, L., Nafa, M., De Regis, M. et al. Commun. Phys. 3, 69 2020
Quantum Optical Signatures in a Strong Laser Pulse after Interaction with Semiconductors Tsatrafyllis, N., S. Kühn, M. Dumergue, P. Foldi, S. Kahaly, E. Cormier, I. A. Gonoskov, B. Kiss, K. Varju, S. Varro, and P. Tzallas Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 193602 2019
Retrieval of phase relation and emission profile of quantum cascade laser frequency combs Cappelli, F., Consolino, L., Campo, G. et al. Nature Photonics 13, 562–568 2019
Room-Temperature Continuous-Wave Frequency-Referenced Spectrometer up to 7.5 THz De Regis, M., S. Bartalini, M. Ravaro, D. Calonico, P. De Natale, and L. Consolino Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 064041 2018
Simultaneous measurement of pulse front tilt and pulse duration with a double trace autocorrelator Figueira, G., L. Braga, S. Ahmed, A. Boyle, M. Galimberti, M. Galletti, and P. Oliveira J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 366-373 2019
Single-shot CEP drift measurement at arbitrary repetition rate based on dispersive Fourier transform Kurucz, M., S. Tóth, R. Flender, L. Haizer, B. Kiss, B. Persielle, and E. Cormier Opt. Express 27, 13387 2019
Single-shot temporal profile measurement of a soft X-ray laser pulse Tissandier, F., J. Gautier, A. Tafzi, J.-P. Goddet, O. Guilbaud, E. Oliva, G. Maynard, P. Zeitoun, S. Sebban arXiv:1811.01858 [physics.ins-det] 2018 arXiv:1811.01858 [physics.ins-det]
Single-shot, real-time carrier-envelope phase measurement and tagging based on stereographic above-threshold ionization at short-wave infrared wavelengths Zhang, Y., P. Kellner, D. Adolph, D. Zille, P. Wustelt, D. Würzler, S. Skruszewicz, M. Möller, A. M. Sayler, and G. G. Paulus Opt. Lett. 42, 5150-5153 2017
Spatial and temporal metrology of coherent ultrashort pulses inthe extreme-ultraviolet domain Dacasa Pereira, H. Optics [physics.optics]. Université Paris-Saclay 2017
Spatio-temporal characterisation of a 100kHz 24W sub-3-cycle NOPCPA laser system Witting, T, F J Furch and Marc J J Vrakking J. Opt. 20, 044003 2018
Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Pump-Induced Wavefront Aberrations in Yb3 + -Doped Materials Tamer, I., S. Keppler, M. Hornung, J. Körner, J. Hein, M. C. Kaluza Laser Photonics Rev. 2017, 1700211 2017
Spectral phase noise analysis of a cryogenically cooled Ti:Sapphire amplifier Nagymihaly,R. S., P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, K. Osvay Opt. Express 25, 6690-6699 2017
Spectroscopic investigations of thulium doped YAG and YAP crystals between 77 K and 300 K for short-wavelength infrared lasers Körner, J., T. Lühder, J. Reiter, I. Uschmann, H. Marschner, V. Jambunathan, A. Lucianetti, T. Mocek, J. Hein, M. C.Kaluza J. Luminescence 202, 427-437 2018
Stable femtosecond X-rays with tunable polarization from a laser-driven accelerator Döpp, A., B. Mahieu, A. Lifschitz, C. Thaury, A. Doche, E. Guillaume, G. Grittani, O. Lundh, M. Hansson, J. Gautier, M. Kozlova, J. P. Goddet, P. Rousseau, A. Tafzi, V. Malka, A. Rousse, S. Corde & K. Ta Phuoc Light Sci. Appl. 6, e17086 2017
Study of middle infrared difference frequency generation using a femtosecond laser source in LGT Boursier E, G M Archipovaite, J-C Delagnes, S Petit, G Ernotte, P Lassonde, P Segonds, B Boulanger, Y Petit, F Légaré, D Roshchupkin, E Cormier Opt. Lett. 42, 3698-3701 2017
Sub-4 fs laser pulses at high average power and high repetition rate from an all-solid-state setup Lu, C.-H., T. Witting, A. Husakou, M.J.J. Vrakking, A.H. Kung, and F.J. Furch Opt. Express 26, 8941-8956 2018
Table-top high-energy 7 μm OPCPA and 260 mJ Ho:YLF pump laser Elu, U., T. Steinle, D. Sánchez, L. Maidment, K. Zawilski, P. Schunemann, U. D. Zeitner, C. Simon-Boisson, and J. Biegert Opt. Lett. 44, 3194 2019
Terahertz radiation generation by three-color laser pulses in air filament Vaičaitis, V., O. Balachninaitė, U. Morgner and I. Babushkin J. Appl. Phys. 125, 173103 2019
Three electron beams from a laser-plasma wakefield accelerator and the energy apportioning question Yang, X., E. Brunetti, G.D. Reboredo, G.H. Welsh, F.Y. Li, S. Cipiccia, B. Ersfeld, D.W. Grant, P.A. Grant, M.R. Islam, M.P. Tooley, G. Vieux, S.M.Wiggins, Z.M. Sheng, D.A. Jaroszynski Sci. Rep. 7, 43910 2017
Time-resolved thermally induced aberrations in a flash-lamp pumped Nd:Glass disk amplifier using a 2 × 2 position sensitive detector array Ahmad, M., M. Galletti, P. Oliveira, E. Dilworth, D. J. Robinson, M. Galimberti, A. J. Crawford, I. Musgrave, and M. J. D. Esser Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 123106 2019
Towards Attosecond High-Energy Electron Bunches: Controlling Self-Injection in Laser-Wakefield Accelerators Through Plasma-Density Modulation Tooley, M. P. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 044801 2017
Tracing the phase of focused broadband laser pulses Hoff, D., M. Krüger, L. Maisenbacher, A. M. Sayler, G. G. Paulus, P. Hommelhoff Nature Physics 13, 947-951 2017
Waveguided Approach for Difference Frequency Generation of Broadly-Tunable Continuous-Wave Terahertz Radiation De Regis, M.; Consolino, L.; Bartalini, S.; De Natale, P. Appl. Sci. 8, 2374 2018
Wide-angle electron beams from laser-wakefield accelerators Brunetti, E. , X. Yang, F. Y. Li, D. Reboredo Gil, G.H. Welsh, S. Cipiccia, B. Ersfeld, D.W. Grant, P.A. Grant, M.R. Islam, M. Shahzad, M.P. Tooley, G. Vieux, S.M. Wiggins, Z.M. Sheng, D.A. Jaroszynski Proc. SPIE 10240, 102400P 2017