News and Press

Analytical Research Infrastructures of Europe (ARIE) join forces to face COVID-19 and other viral and microbial threats Analytical Research Infrastructures of Europe (ARIE) join forces to face COVID-19 and other viral and microbial threats

After the joint position paper published as a pre-release in July, in which the Analytical Research Infrastructures of Europe (ARIE) presented their plan to tackle Horizon Europe Missions, the ARIE enhanced their cross-border, multidisciplinary collaboration to offer Europe a strong and valid weapon against the present COVID-19 challenge and other potential viral and microbial threats.

Analytical Research Infrastructures as key resources for the five Horizon Europe Missions Analytical Research Infrastructures as key resources for the five Horizon Europe Missions

Seven European networks have joined forces in the ANALYTICAL RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES IN EUROPE (ARIE) working group and released today a common paper, which highlights how their complementary approach will help address the societal challenges of the Horizon Europe Missions framework programme starting in 2021. It gives input for the strategic planning of the new frame work programme and outlines, with examples, the kind of advanced experiments and measurements that the ARIE facilities can perform in support of the Horizon Europe Missions.

Laserlab-Europe Workshop on Data Handling and Open Data, 7 December 2018 - Documentation Laserlab-Europe Workshop on Data Handling and Open Data, 7 December 2018 - Documentation

Data management and open data are core concepts within Horizon 2020. Initiatives such as the Open Science concept and the adoption of the European Open Science Cloud Implementation Roadmap earlier this year imply that EU researchers will very soon have to work in an environment where data sharing, access and reuse are the norm. With the increasing amount, size and complexity of the data generated at laser research facilities, it becomes necessary for individual infrastructures to become proficient and invest more resources in data management. Simultaneously, there is a need for streamlining and standardising these procedures across the European facilities in order to enhance the services to the user community.

Laserlab-Europe AISBL was inaugurated and held its first General Assembly meeting in Salamanca, Spain Laserlab-Europe AISBL was inaugurated and held its first General Assembly meeting in Salamanca, Spain

Laserlab-Europe AISBL was inaugurated and held its first General Assembly meeting with 38 Full Members and 3 Associate Members on 29 October 2018 in Salamanca, Spain. The meeting venue was the Old Chapel for Studies within the University of Salamanca, an historic room used as the Council Chamber of the University, and was part of the 800th anniversary celebrations of the University of Salamanca, the third oldest university in the world.

Workshop "Visions on Future Laser-based X-ray Science and Technology", Barcelona, Spain, 19-20 November 2018 Workshop "Visions on Future Laser-based X-ray Science and Technology", Barcelona, Spain, 19-20 November 2018

We are currently witnessing spectacular advances in laboratory and facility-based x-ray sources which enable a wide range of investigations with unprecedented time resolution and element specificity. The aim of this Laserlab-Europe foresight workshop is to assess the state of the art and to discuss visions for future opportunities in laser-based x-ray science through technological developments and novel methods for scientific investigations.