Schedule of Calls

WP3 – Scientific and Technological Exchanges (LLE-AISBL, CEA, GSI, HZDR, ILC, POLIMI)

Collaborative Experimental Programs
Joint experiments: Permanent call open!
>> Submission of applications for 'joint experiments'

Short-term training visits
>> Call for proposals for Laserlab-internal staff exchanges: Deadline for proposals: 14 July 2024
Next call: end of 2024


WP4 – Training and Development of User Communities (ILC, MBI)

User Training Schools (ILC)
>> Internal call for proposals for a training events to be organised by Laserlab-Europe
Deadline for proposals: 24 November 2023

WP7 - Foresight and Sustainability Activities

>> Call for interest / expert groups within Laserlab-Europe AISBL