Publications LEPP

Title Author Reference Year Url / DOI
2-D elemental mapping of an EUV-irradiated PET with a compact NEXAFS spectromicroscopy Wachulak, P., M. Duda, A. Bartnik, A. Sarzyński, Ł. Węgrzyński, H. Fiedorowicz Spectroc. Acta B 145, 107-114 2018
22 W average power multiterawatt femtosecond laser chain enabling 1019 W/cm2 at 100 Hz Clady, R., Azamoum, Y., Charmasson, L. et al. Appl. Phys. B 124, 89 2018
A 2D scintillator-based proton detector for high repetition rate experiments Huault, M., D. De Luis, J. Alpinaniz et al. High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, e60 2019
A “water window” tomography based on a laser-plasma double-stream gas-puff target soft X-ray source Wachulak, P.W., Torrisi, A., Krauze, W. et al. Appl. Phys. B 125, 70 2019
A compact tunable polarized X-ray source based on laser-plasma helical undulators Luo, J. et al. Sci. Rep. 6, 29101 2016
A formal derivation of the local energy transfer (LET) theory of homogeneous turbulence McComb, W D, S R Yoffe J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 375501 2017
A Light-Weight Compact Proton Gantry Design With a Novel Dose Delivery System for Broad-Energetic Laser-Accelerated Beams Masood, U. et al. Phys. Med. Biol. 62, 5531 2017
A novel vertebrate system for the examination and direct comparison of the relative biological effectiveness for different radiation qualities and sources Szabó, E. R., Z. Reisz, R. Polanek, T. Tőkés, Sz. Czifrus, Cs. Pesznyák, B. Biró, A. Fenyvesi, B. Király, J. Molnár, Sz. Brunner, B. Daroczi, Z. Varga & K. Hideghéty Int. J. Radiation Biol. 94, 985-995 2018
A reformulation of mechanics and electrodynamics Pinheiro, M. J. Heliyon 3, e00365 2017
A simple method of producing a focused x-ray beam Brunetti, E., K. Kokurewicz, S. Cipiccia, A. Maitrallain, M. Shahzad, R. Spesyvtsev, D. A. Jaroszynski Proc. SPIE 11036, 110360S 2019
A target inserter for the Vulcan Petawatt Laser interaction chamber Heathcote, R. and R.J. Clarke Proc. SPIE 9966, 996608 2016
A tunable electron beam source using trapping of electrons in a density down-ramp in laser wakefield acceleration Ekerfelt, H., M. Hansson, I. Gallardo González, X. Davoine, O. Lundh Sci. Rep. 7, 12229 2017
Absolute dosimetric characterization of Gafchromic EBT3 and HDv2 films using commercial flat-bed scanners and evaluation of the scanner response function variability Chen, S.N., M. Gauthier, M. Bazalova-Carter, S. Bolanos, S. Glenzer, R. Riquier, G. Revet, P. Antici, A. Morabito, A. Propp, M. Starodubtsev, and J. Fuchs Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 073301 2016
Acceleration of collimated 45 MeV protons by collisionless shocks driven in low-density, large-scale gradient plasmas by a 1020 W/cm2, 1 µm laser Antici, P., Boella, E., Chen, S.N. et al. Sci. Rep. 7, 16463 2017
All-optical structuring of laser-driven proton beam profiles Obst-Huebl, L., Ziegler, T., Brack, F. et al. Nature Communications 9, 5292 2018
An evaluation of the various aspects of the progress in clinical applications of laser driven ionizing radiation Hideghéty, K., E. R. Szabó, R. Polanek, Z. Szabó, U. Bettina, S: Brunner, T. Tőkés J. Instrum. 12, C03038 2017
An online, energy-resolving beam profile detector for laser-driven proton beams Metzkes, J. et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 , 083310 2016
Application programmes at the Scottish Centre for the Application of Plasma-based Accelerators (SCAPA) Wiggins, S. M. et al. Proc. SPIE 11036, 110360T 2019
Biological and material science applications of EUV and SXR nanoscale imaging systems based on double stream gas puff target laser plasma sources Torrisi, A., P. W. Wachulak, A. Bartnik, Ł. Węgrzyński, T. Fok, H. Fiedorowicz Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 411, 29-34 2017
Broadband extreme ultraviolet dispersion measurements using a high-harmonic source Jansen, G. S. M., X. Liu, K. S. E. Eikema, and S. Witte Opt. Lett. 44, 3625 2019
Calibration and cross-laboratory implementation of scintillating screens for electron bunch charge determination Kurz, T.; Couperus, J. P.; Krämer, J. M.; Ding, H.; Kuschel, S.; Köhler, A.; Zarini, O.; Hollatz, D.; Schinkel, D.; D'Arcy, R.; Schwinkendorf, J. P.; Irman, A.; Schramm, U.; Karsch, S. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 093303 2018
Challenges of dosimetry of ultra-short pulsed very high energy electron beams Subiel, A. et al. Physica Medica 2017
Characterisation of a laser plasma accelerator x-ray source size using a Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope Shazad, M. et al. Proc. SPIE 11036, 110360Q 2019
Cherenkov Radiation from the Quantum Vacuum Macleod, A. J., A. Noble, and D. A. Jaroszynski Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 161601 2019
Cluster and aerosol targets, produced using a gas puff approach, for laser-matter interaction experiments Węgrzyński, L., A. Bartnik, P. Wachulak, T. Fok, K. Janulewicz, H. Fiedorowicz Proc. SPIE 11032, 110320L 2019
Coherent terahertz radiation emitted by wide-angle electron beams from a laser-wakefield accelerator Brunetti, E., X. Yang, and D. A. Jaroszynski Proc. SPIE 11036, 110360M 2019
Collimated protons accelerated from an overdense gas jet irradiated by a 1 µm wavelength high-intensity short-pulse laser Chen, S.N., M. Vranic, T. Gangolf, E. Boella, P. Antici, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, P. Loiseau, H. Pépin, G. Revet, J.J. Santos, A.M. Schroer, M. Starodubtsev, O. Willi, L.O. Silva, E. d’Humières & J. Fuchs Sci. Rep. 7, 13505 2017
Controlled generation of ultra-short electron bunches using density modulation Yoffe, S. R., B. Ersfeld, M. P. Tooley, A. Noble, R. Fraser, and D. A. Jaroszynski Proc. SPIE 11036, 110360O 2019
Degradation of phospholipids under different types of irradiation and varying oxygen saturation Vyšín, L., Tomanová, K., Pavelková, T. et al. Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 56, 241 2017
Design of a double dipole electron spectrometer Maitrallain, A., B. van der Geer, M. de Loos et al. Proc. SPIE 11037, 1103711 2019
Development and characterization of a laser-plasma soft X-ray source for contact microscopy Ayele, M.G., P.W. Wachulak, J. Czwartos, D. Adjei, A. Bartnik, Ł. Wegrzynski, M. Szczurek, L. Pina, H. Fiedorowicz Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 411, 35-43 2017
Development of an adjustable Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope for laser driven x-ray sources Zeraouli, G., G. Gatti, A. Longman, J.A. Perez-Hernandez, D. Arana, D. Batani, K. Jakubowska, L. Volpe, L. Roso, R. Fedosejevs Rev.Sci. Instrum. 90, 063704 2019
Diagnosis of Weibel instability evolution in the rear surface density scale lengths of laser solid interactions via proton acceleration Scott, G G et al. New J. Phys. 19, 043010 2017
Diffractive shear interferometry for extreme ultraviolet high-resolution lensless imaging Jansen, G. S. M., A. de Beurs, X. Liu, K. S. E. Eikema, and S. Witte Opt. Express 26, 12479-12489 2018
Effects of the dopant concentration in laser wakefield and direct laser acceleration of electrons Gallardo González, I, H Ekerfelt, M Hansson, T L Audet, B Aurand, F G Desforges, S Dobosz Dufrénoy, A Persson, X Davoine, C-G Wahlström, B Cros and O Lundh New J. Phys. 20, 053011 2018
Efficient laser-driven proton acceleration from cylindrical and planar cryogenic hydrogen jets Obst, L. et al. Sci. Rep. 7, 10248 2017
Electron beam cooling in intense focussed laser pulses Yoffe, S. R., A. Noble, A. J. Macleod, and D. A. Jaroszynski Proc. SPIE 10234, 102340E 2017
Energy exchange via multi-species streaming in laser-driven ion acceleration King, M., R J Gray, H W Powell, R Capdessus and P McKenna Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59, 014003 2017
Enhancement of betatron x rays through asymmetric laser wakefield generated in transverse density gradients Ferri, J., and X. Davoine Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21, 091302 2018
Experimental devices for produce gas cluster and aerosol targets for laser matter experiments Wegrzynski, Ł.; A. Bartnik; T. Fok; P. Wachulak; K. Janulewicz; H. Fiedorowicz Proc. SPIE 10974, 1097413 2018
Experimental evidence for the enhanced and reduced stopping regimes for protons propagating through hot plasmas Chen, S.N., Atzeni, S., Gangolf, T. et al. Sci. Rep. 8, 14586 2018
Extreme ultraviolet holography using a laser-plasma source based on xenon/helium gas puff target Wachulak, P., A. Sarzyński, A. Bartnik, T. Fok and H. Fiedorowicz Laser Part. Beams 36, 8 2018
Fast dose fractionation using ultra-short laser accelerated proton pulses can increase cancer cell mortality, which relies on functional PARP1 protein Bayart, E., Flacco, A., Delmas, O. et al. Sci. Rep. 9, 10132 2019
Feasibility of proton FLASH effect tested by zebrafish embryo irradiation Beyreuther, E., M. Brand, S. Hans, K. Hideghéty, L. Karsch, E. Leßmann, M. Schürer, E. R. Szabó, J. Pawelke Radiotherapy and Oncology 139, 46 2019
First demonstration of multi-MeV proton acceleration from a cryogenic hydrogen ribbon target Kraft, S.D., L. Obst, J. Metzkes-Ng, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, K. Zeil, S. Michaux, D. Chatain, J.-P. Perin, S. Chen, J. Fuchs, M. Gauthier, T. Cowan, U. Schramm Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 044010 2018
First results with the novel petawatt laser acceleration facility in Dresden Schramm, U. et al. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 874, 012028 2017
Focused very high-energy electron beams as a novel radiotherapy modality for producing high-dose volumetric elements Kokurewicz, K., Brunetti, E., Welsh, G.H. et al. Sci. Rep. 9, 10837 2019
Generation of electron high energy beams with a ring-like structure by a dual stage laser wakefield accelerator Spesyvtsev, R. et al. Proc. SPIE 11036, 110360F 2019
Generation of high energy laser-driven electron and proton sources with the 200 TW system VEGA 2 at the Centro de Laseres Pulsados Volpe, L., R. Fedosejevs, G. Gatti, J. A. Pérez-Hernández High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, E25 2019
High repetition rate, multi-MeV proton source from cryogenic hydrogen jets Gauthier, M., C.B. Curry, S. Glöde, F.-E. Brack, J.B. Kim, M.J. MacDonald, J. Metzkes, L. Obst, M. Rehwald, C. Rödel, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, W. Schumaker, U. Schramm, K. Zeil and S.H. Glenzer Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 114102 2017
High-Brilliance Betatron γ-Ray Source Powered by Laser-Accelerated Electrons Ferri, J., S. Corde, A. Döpp, A. Lifschitz, A. Doche, C. Thaury, K. Ta Phuoc, B. Mahieu, I. A. Andriyash, V. Malka, and X. Davoine Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 254802 2018
High-order harmonic generation driven by inhomogeneous plasmonics fields spatially bounded: influence on the cut-off law Neyra E, F Videla, M F Ciappina, J A Pérez-Hernández, L Roso, M Lewenstein and G A Torchia J. Opt. 20, 034002 2018
Highly Nuclear-Spin-Polarized Deuterium Atoms from the UV Photodissociation of Deuterium Iodide Sofikitis,D., Pavle Glodic, Greta Koumarianou, Hongyan Jiang, Lykourgos Bougas, Peter C. Samartzis, Alexander Andreev, and T. Peter Rakitzis Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 233401 2017
Highly-collimated, high-charge and broadband MeV electron beams produced by magnetizing solids irradiated by high-intensity lasers Bolaños, S., J. Béard, G. Revet, S. N. Chen, S. Pikuz, E. Filippov, M. Safronova, M. Cerchez, O. Willi, M. Starodubtsev, and J. Fuchs Matter and Radiation at Extremes 4, 044401 2019
I-BEAT: Ultrasonic method for online measurement of the energy distribution of a single ion bunch Haffa, D., Yang, R., Bin, J. et al. Sci. Rep. 9, 6714 2019
Impact of free electron degeneracy on collisional rates in plasmas Williams, G. O., H.-K. Chung, S. Künzel, V. Hilbert, U. Zastrau, H. Scott, S. Daboussi, B. Iwan, A. I. Gonzalez, W. Boutu, H. J. Lee, B. Nagler, E. Granados, E. Galtier, P. Heimann, B. Barbrel, R. W. Lee, B. I. Cho, P. Renaudin, H. Merdji, Ph. Zeitoun, and M. Fajardo Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033216 2019
Influence of laser polarization on collective electron dynamics in ultraintense laser–foil interactions Gonzalez-Izquierdo, B. et al. High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 4, e33 2016
Influence of micromachined targets on laser accelerated proton beam profiles Dalui, M., A. Permogorov, H. Pahl, A. Persson and C.-G. Wahlström Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 035014 2018
Intra-pulse transition between ion acceleration mechanisms in intense laser-foil interactions Padda, H. et al. Phys. Plasmas 23, 063116 2016
Laser-driven ion acceleration via target normal sheath acceleration in the relativistic transparency regime Poole, P.L., L. Obst, G.E. Cochran, J. Metzkes, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, I. Prencipe, T. Kluge, T. Cowan, U. Schramm, D.W. Schumacher, K. Zeil New J. Phys. 20, 013019 2018
Laser-plasma generated very high energy electrons (VHEEs) in radiotherapy Kokurewicz, K., Welsh, G. H., Brunetti, E., Wiggins, S. M. & M. Boyd, et al Proc. SPIE 10239, 102390C 2017
Laser-wakefield accelerators for high-resolution X-ray imaging of complex microstructures Hussein, A. E., N. Senabulya, Ma, Y. et al. Sci. Rep. 9, 3249 2019
Localization of ionization-induced trapping in a laser wakefield accelerator using a density down-ramp Hansson M, T L Audet, H Ekerfelt, B Aurand, I Gallardo González, F G Desforges, X Davoine, A Maitrallain, S Reymond, P Monot Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 58, 055009 2016
Multi-GeV electron-positron beam generation from laser-electron scattering Vranic, M., O. Klimo, G. Korn & S. Weber Sci. Rep. 8, 4702 2018
Multistage Coupling of Laser-Wakefield Accelerators with Curved Plasma Channels Luo, J., M. Chen, W. Y. Wu, S. M. Weng, Z. M. Sheng, C. B. Schroeder, D. A. Jaroszynski, E. Esarey, W. P. Leemans, W. B. Mori, and J. Zhang Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 154801 2018
Nanoimaging Using Soft X-Ray and EUV Sources Based on Double Stream Gas Puff Targets Wachulak, P., A. Torrisi, M. Ayele, A. Bartnik, Ł. Węgrzyński, T. Fok, J. Czwartos and H. Fiedorowicz Acta Physica Polonica A 133, 271 2018
Near-100 MeV protons via a laser-driven transparency-enhanced hybrid acceleration scheme Higginson, A., Gray, R.J., King, M. et al. Nature Communications 9, 724 2018
New approaches in clinical application of laser-driven ionizing radiation Hideghéty, K., R. E. Szabó, R. Polanek, Z. Szabó, S. Brunner, T. Tőkés Proc. SPIE 10239, 102390A 2017
NEXAFS at nitrogen K-edge and titanium L-edge using a laser-plasma soft x-ray source based on a double-stream gas puff target Wachulak, P., M. Duda, A. Bartnik, Ł. Węgrzyński, T. Fok, and H. Fiedorowicz APL Photonics 4, 030807 2019
NEXAFS spectroscopy and spectromicroscopy in the soft X-ray spectral region with a compact laser plasma source based on a double stream gas puff target Wachulak, P., M. Duda, A. Bartnik, Ł. Węgrzyński, T. Fok, A. Jancarek, H. Fiedorowicz Radiat. Phys. Chem. 175 2020
Observation of Ultrafast Solid-Density Plasma Dynamics Using Femtosecond X-Ray Pulses from a Free-Electron Laser Kluge, T. et al. Phys. Rev. X 8, 031068 2018
Observations on the ponderomotive force Burton, D. A., R. A. Cairns, B. Ersfeld, A. Noble, S. Yoffe, D. A. Jaroszynski Proc. SPIE 10234, 102340G 2017
On the energy-momentum tensor of light in strong fields: an all optical view of the Abraham-Minkowski controversy Macleod, A. J., A. Noble, D. A. Jaroszynski Proc. SPIE 10234, 102340F 2017
On-shot characterization of single plasma mirror temporal contrast improvement Obst, L., J. Metzkes, S. Bock, G. Cochran, T. Cowan, T. Oksenhendler, P. Poole, I. Prencipe, M. Rehwald, C. Rödel, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, D.W. Schumacher, U. Schramm, T. Ziegler, and K. Zeil Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 054007 2018
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) with 2 nm axial resolution using a compact laser plasma soft X-ray source Wachulak, P., A. Bartnik & H. Fiedorowicz Sci. Rep. 8, 8494 2018
Optical probing of high intensity laser interaction with micron-sized cryogenic hydrogen jets Ziegler, T., M. Rehwald, L. Obst, C. Bernert, F. Brack, C.B. Curry, M. Gauthier, S.H. Glenzer, S. Göde, L. Kazak, S. Kraft, M. Kuntzsch, M. Löser, J. Metzkes-Ng, C. Rödel, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, U. Schramm, M. Siebold, J. Tiggesbaeumker, S. Wolter, K. Zeil Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 074003 2018
Optical pumped ultra-short pulse CO2 lasers as drivers of laser-plasma accelerators and other applications Jaroszynski, D. A., R. N. Campbell, E. Brunetti, and S. R. Yoffe Proc. SPIE 11042, 110420W 2019
Plasma based helical undulator for controlled emission of circularly and elliptically polarised betatron radiation Vieira, J., J. Martins, U. Sinha arXiv:1601.04422 [physics.plasm-ph] 2016
Plasma density shaping for attosecond electron bunch generation Kornaszewski, A., et al. Proc. SPIE 11036, 110360R 2019
Plasma optical modulators for intense lasers Yu, L., Zhao, Y., Qian, L. et al. Nature Communications 7, 11893 2016
Pulsed radiography and tomography of transient and low-density objects using laser plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) Fok, T., P. Wachulak, Ł. Węgrzyński, A. Bartnik, R. Jarocki, and H. Fiedorowicz Proc. SPIE 11032, 110320M 2019
Radiation emission from plasma oscillation Hur, M. S., H. S. Song, K. B. Kwon, T. Kang, B. Ersfeld, A. Noble, and D. A. Jaroszynski Proc. SPIE 11036, 110360N 2019
Radiation Pressure-Driven Plasma Surface Dynamics in Ultra-Intense Laser Pulse Interactions with Ultra-Thin Foils Gonzalez-Izquierdo, B., R. Capdessus, M. King, R.J. Gray, R. Wilson, R.J. Dance, J. McCreadie, N.M.H. Butler, S.J. Hawkes, J.S. Green, N. Booth, M. Borghesi, D. Neely and P. McKenna Appl. Sci. 8, 336 2018
Radiobiological effects and proton RBE determined by wildtype zebrafish embryos Szabó, E. R., M. Brand, S. Hans, K. Hideghéty, L. Karsch, E. Lessmann, J. Pawelke, M. Schürer, E. Beyreuther PLoS ONE 13, e0206879 2018
Reconstruction of plasma density profiles by measuring spectra of radiation emitted from oscillating plasma dipoles Kylychbekov, S. et al. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 025018 2020
Reflection of intense laser light from microstructured targets as a potential diagnostic of laser focus and plasma temperature Jarrett, J., M. King, R. J. Gray, N. Neumann, L. Döhl, C. D. Baird, T. Ebert, M. Hesse, A. Tebartz, D. R. Rusby, N. C. Woolsey, D. Neely, M. Roth and P. McKenna High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, E2 2019
Relativistic Electron Streaming Instabilities Modulate Proton Beams Accelerated in Laser-Plasma Interactions Göde, S. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 194801 2017
Role of magnetic field evolution on filamentary structure formation in intense laser–foil interactions King, M., N. M. H. Butler, R. Wilson, R. Capdessus High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, e14 2019
Self-generated surface magnetic fields inhibit laser-driven sheath acceleration of high-energy protons Nakatsutsumi, M., Y. Sentoku, A. Korzhimanov, S. N. Chen, S. Buffechoux, A. Kon, B. Atherton, P. Audebert, M. Geissel, L. Hurd, M. Kimmel, P. Rambo, M. Schollmeier, J. Schwarz, M. Starodubtsev, L. Gremillet, R. Kodama & J. Fuchs Nature Communications 9, 280 2018
Self-modulation and anomalous collective scattering of laser produced intense ion beam in plasmas Mima, K., J. Fuchs, T. Taguchi, J. Alvarez, J.R. Marquès, S.N. Chen, T. Tajima, and J.M. Perlado Matter and Radiation at Extremes 3, 127 2018
Single-Shot near Edge X-ray Fine Structure (NEXAFS) Spectroscopy Using a Laboratory Laser-Plasma Light Source Wachulak, P., M. Duda, T. Fok, A. Bartnik, Z. Wang, Q. Huang, A. Sarzyński, A. Jancarek and H. Fiedorowicz Materials 11, 1303 2018
Soft X-ray nanoscale imaging using a sub-pixel resolution charge coupled device (CCD) camera Lübcke, A., J. Braenzel, A. Dehlinger, M. Schnürer, H. Stiel et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 043111 2019
Soft x-ray nanoscale imaging using highly brilliant laboratory sources and new detector concepts Stiel, H. , J. Braenzel, A. Dehlinger et al. Proc. SPIE 10243, 1024309 2017
Spatial Properties of High-Order Harmonic Beams from Plasma Mirrors: A Ptychographic Study Leblanc, A., S. Monchocé, H. Vincenti, S. Kahaly, J.-L. Vay, and F. Quéré Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 155001 2017
Spatially resolved Fourier transform spectroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet Jansen, G. S. M., D. Rudolf, L. Freisem, K. S. E. Eikema, and S. Witte Optica 3, 1122-1125 2016
Spectral and spatial shaping of laser-driven proton beams using a pulsed high-field magnet beamline Brack, F., Kroll, F., Gaus, L. et al. Sci. Rep. 10, 9118 2020
Spectral and spatial shaping of a laser-produced ion beam for radiation-biology experiments Pommarel, L., B. Vauzour, F. Mégnin-Chanet, E. Bayart, O. Delmas, F. Goudjil, C. Nauraye, V. Letellier, F. Pouzoulet, F. Schillaci, F. Romano, V. Scuderi, G. A. P. Cirrone, E. Deutsch, A. Flacco, and V. Malka Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20, 032801 2017
Spectrally resolved single-shot wavefront sensing of broadband high-harmonic sources Freisem, L., G. S. M. Jansen, D. Rudolf, K. S. E. Eikema, and S. Witte Opt. Express 26, 6860-6871 2018
Streaming instabilities in converging geometry Inigo Gamiz, L. I., B. Ersfeld, S. R. Yoffe, R. A. Cairns, and D. A. Jaroszynski Proc. SPIE 11036, 1103606 2019
Sub-femtosecond electron bunches in laser wakefield acceleration via injection suppression with a magnetic field Zhao, Q. et al. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61, 085015 2019 6587/ab249c