Surface Chemistry
Studying the chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases (solid-liquid, solid-gas, solid-vacuum and liquid-gas).
CELIA (Bordeaux, France)
CELIA is a centre of excellence in lasers and their interaction with matter. Research is performed on laser development, ultra-short intense laser matter interactions and applications, from the physics of hot dense plasmas to laser-molecule or laser-atom interactions. 3 state-of-the art laser drivers based on Ti:sapphire and Yb:fiber feed 9 fully-equipped end-stations including secondary XUV and X-ray sources.
CLL (Coimbra, Portugal)
CLL aims to promote and support the use of lasers in the study of the interactions between radiation and matter at the molecular level. Specialized on photochemical, photophysical and spectroscopic studies, from the infrared through the ultraviolet, covering timescales from femtoseconds at room temperatures to ultra slow processes at cryogenic temperatures.
CUSBO (Milan, Italy)
CUSBO covers a broad range of activities of interdisciplinary nature. Several unique state of the art sources provide few-cycle light pulses, either widely-tunable or of high peak power seeding attosecond beamlines, for pump-probe experiments. Advanced laser workstations mostly based on time-resolved measurements are also applied to non-invasive clinical diagnostics, biological imaging, and non-destructive analysis of food and cultural heritage.
LACUS (Lausanne, Switzerland)
LACUS offers various instruments for the investigation of matter (molecules, solutions, proteins, solids and nanosystems) in out-of-equilibrium conditions. Our instruments cover a broad range of observables, ranging from spectroscopic probes in the UV-visible range to electron diffraction and imaging in various sample environments, and covering a temporal range from femtoseconds to nanoseconds.
LP3 (Marseille, France)
LP3 is a multidisciplinary academic laboratory of excellence. Its major activities focus on: i) generation of secondary sources such as hard X-ray by laser-induced plasma technology ii) fundamentals and technological research of laser-matter interactions and iii) development of laser-based processes. The main applications are related to laser structuration and fabrication with major outcomes in photonics, microelectronics, medicine and laser-based diagnostics.
ULF-FORTH (Heraklion, Greece)
The Ultraviolet Laser Facility (ULF-FORTH) is a multi-disciplinary laboratory dedicated to laser-based science. It is the major laser research facility in Greece. ULF-FORTH combines state-of-the-art experimental facilities with a rich spectrum of research activities and expertise including Atomic and Optical physics, Molecular physics and Chemical dynamics, laser-materials interactions, laser applications and techniques in Biomedicine and in Cultural Heritage.