LULI (Coordinator, Palaiseau, France)
Research highlights
Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses
CNRS, Palaiseau, France
Contact: Email
Plasma physics
LULI2000 allowed studying the effects of nonlocal electron transport and radiation diffusion on the evolution of a cylindrical blast wave over several nanoseconds [Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 264104 (2018)].
Fusion sciences
In the framework of the shock ignition laser fusion scheme, experiments performed on LULI2000 allowed following evolution and deformation of a shock front using x-ray-absorption radiography [Phys. Rev. E 95, 063205 (2017)].
Laboratory astrophysics
LULI2000 experiments pave the way to unravelling the mystery as to why many supernova remnants observed from Earth are axisymmetric (elongated along one axis) rather than spherical. [ApJ 896, 167 (2020)].
Secondary radiation & particle sources
Efficient laser-driven multi-MeV proton acceleration from cryogenic H thick ribbons was demonstrated on the LULI ELFIE facility for the first time, highlighting the potential of such targets for experiments at high repetition rate [Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 044010 (2018)].
LULI laser-driven protons were demonstrated to be perfectly suited for producing, in a single sub-ns laser pulse, metallic nanocrystals with tunable diameter ranging from tens to hundreds of nm and very high precision [Sci. Reports 10, 9570 (2020)].
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Further application highlights
Lasers and the Universe Lasers and Cancer Lasers for Fusion Energy
Access to the APOLLON laser facility allows studying laser-matter interaction in the yet unexplored ultra-relativistic regime and developing applications, especially those of the energetic and ultra-short secondary sources produced at intensities up to 2 1022 W/cm2. Topics currently under investigation are electron acceleration (using single- & multi-stage schemes), ion acceleration (exploring advanced schemes to break the 100 MeV limit or to produce neutron and positron sources, tackling warm dense matter physics and laboratory relativistic astrophysics), x-ray production (harmonics from solid targets, FEL-type or betatron sources) and high-field physics (to study QED effects in laser-plasma interaction). Experimental research is supported by numerical simulations using the SMILEI open-source PIC code.
The experiments conducted on LULI2000 are based on laser irradiation of solid or gaseous targets to produce high-energy density matter at extreme temperature and pressure conditions, often in out-of-equilibrium regimes. The versatility of the facility and the scientific expertise of the LULI host researchers allows covering many fields of research, from fundamental - magnetized or not - plasma physics to shock-loaded material investigation, inertial fusion sciences, laboratory astrophysics and planetology. Laser-based secondary sources of high-energy particles and radiation are commonly used for innovative diagnostic techniques or for warm dense matter production.
Services for industry
Space, Aeronautics, Automobile & Nuclear Industry
Experimental investigation of material properties under high-pressure shocks for laser shock peening applications, laser adhesion testing, material & structure engineering.
Lasers & Space Industry
Experimental determination of damage thresholds for cm2 optical components following high-energy high-repetition-rate laser irradiation under vacuum or in air.
Experimental characterization of material, or equipement, outgazing under vacuum.
For more information, contact the Laserlab Office.
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Equipment offered to external users
The facilities offer access to gas & solid target characterization laboratories, target alignment benches and a large palette of state-of-the-art instrumentation. Laser diagnostics are implemented on the whole set of laser beams.
APOLLON allows combining on target two fs pulses at ultra-high power (F1 and F2), an uncompressed chirped “creation” ns pulse (F3) and a low-energy fs probe beam (F4) (see key parameters on the table below). The fundamental wavelength is 0.8 µm. Alignment on target is done within one focal spot and 70% of the energy is enclosed in the diffraction spots. The laser repetition rate is one shot per minute over 5 hours per day and for a fixed campaign duration of 8 days. In the SFA experimental area, the F1 and F2 beams are focused by off-axis parabolas with short focal lengths - 1m (F1) and 42cm (F2) - to allow, thanks also to implementation of deformable mirrors, reaching the ultimate intensities; the interaction geometry with the target chamber is quite fully modular. In the LFA experimental area, F1 are F2 are focused inside separate target chambers thanks to long focal length optics (3m or 9m for F2, 8m or 20m for F1); F3 and F4 are not delivered to LFA.
F1 |
F2 |
F3 |
F4 |
Max. energy |
60 J mid-2022 |
20 J |
up to 250 J, depending on the energy required by F1+F2 |
300 mJ |
Duration |
20 fs |
20 fs |
1 ns |
< 20 fs |
Contrast |
10-12 |
10-12 |
On LULI2000, the S2002 experimental area is devoted to experiments requiring two kJ/ns laser chains (NORTH and SOUTH) and two probe beams (the BLUE beam, operated in the ns regime, and the CPA BLACK one), while the radio-protected S2001 experimental area is operated with the NORTH chain, an high-energy CPA laser chain (PICO2000) and the BLUE probe beam (see key parameters on the table below). The fundamental laser wavelength is 1.06µm. Incidence angles on target are pre-determined. Upon request, the nanosecond pulses can be shaped with differentiated temporal profiles; the maximum energy delivered in the ns regime will thus depends on the pulse duration. All the chains are synchronized with ps jitters; they can be frequency-doubled, except the BLACK probe beam, and equipped with wavefront correction systems to deliver full-energy pulses every 90’ (4 to 6 shots per day). The BLUE probe beam can even be frequency-tripled. Focusing of the ns beams is ensured through HPP phase plates (of diameter 500µm and 800µm, plus 300µm in S2001 and 1300µm in S2002) while off-axis parabolas are used for the CPA beams (with, at best focus, a focal spot diameter of ~15µm).
An electromagnetic pulser, allowing production of external pulsed magnetic fields of ~40T, can be implemented close to the target chambers. Sophisticated laser-based diagnostics (FDI, VISAR, Thomson scattering, x-ray & proton radiography) can be activated.
LULI2000 |
Duration |
Max. energy on target |
Beam diameter |
0.5-15 ns |
800 J |
175 mm |
0.5-15 ns |
800 J |
175 mm |
0.5-15 ns |
50 J |
70 mm |
PICO2000 |
1-30 ps |
60 J |
175 mm |
1-30 ps |
10 J |
70 mm |