Access Facilities - PALS, Prague, Czech Republic
Contact: Miroslav Krus |
The Laser plasma department research program focuses on high-power laser interaction with plasma – laser wakefield acceleration, plasma-based soft X-ray and XUV lasers, and fusion-related research and the use of laser plasma both in applied and fundamental research. These activities are based on the use of kJ-class subnanosecond iodine laser and 50TW femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser. The PALS Research Infrastructure operates one of the largest laser facilities in Europe, a kilojoule-class pulsed sub-nanosecond iodine photodissociation laser system. The PALS facility also offers an optional XUV beam line driven by record-brightness plasma-based neon-like zinc XUV laser (wavelength 21.2 nm). An auxiliary femtosecond beam line (70 fs, 15 TW) has enriched recently the PALS offer as a tool for fs plasma probing and double-pulse experiments with synchronized fs and sub-ns beams. These facilities are well suited for experimental studies of interaction of intense laser radiation with matter, for fusion-relevant and laboratory astrophysical experiments, and for searching for various applications of laser-produced plasmas in science and technology.
Excellence: Plasma production at interaction of a high-power kJ-class iodine laser with solid and gaseous targets. Pump-probe experiments and fast plasma probing using synchronized sub-ns and fs laser pulses. Development and applications of plasma-based XUV lasers and amplifiers. Interaction of high-intensity radiation with matter. Fusion-relevant research o target ablation and shock wave phenomena. Strong magnetic field and plasma jets generation. High energy chemistry related to planetary atmosphere research and prebiotic synthesis research. Electromagnetic pulses generated during laser-solid target interaction.
- Proton acceleration driven by a nanosecond laser from a cryogenic thin solid-hydrogen ribbon, D. Margarone et al., Physical Review X 6, 041030 (2016)
- Progress in understanding the role of hot electrons for the shock ignition approach to inertial confinement fusion, D. Batani et al., Nuclear Fusion 59, 032012 (2019)
- Magnetized plasma implosion in a snail target driven by a moderate intensity laser pulse, T. Pisarczyk et al., Scientific Reports 8, 17895 (2018)
- Experimental study of the interaction of two laser-driven radiative shocks at the PALS laser, R. L. Singh et al., High Energy Density Physics 23, 20 (2017)
- EMP characterization at PALS on solid-target experiments driven by a moderate intensity laser pulse, F. Consoli et al., Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60, 105006 (2018)