Access Facilities - LLC, Lund, Sweden
Contact: Claes-Göran Wahlström Email |
The LLC is the largest unit in the Scandinavian countries in the field of lasers and their use in spectroscopy, diagnostics and analysis. It consists of a number of divisions with complementary expertise in different aspects of advanced spectroscopy and diagnostics:
Lasers, basic and applied spectroscopy:
- High power laser-matter interaction
- high harmonics
- attophysics
- particle acceleration
- time-resolved X-ray absorption and diffraction
- laser/synchrotron radiation physics
- Time-resolved spectroscopy of atoms and ions
- Environmental monitoring of air and water,
- Quantum information
- quantum computing
- optical storage
Laser diagnostics in harsh environments:
- Laser spectroscopic analysis for species detection and imaging as well as thermometry
- Advanced diagnostics for studies of combustion, plasma, catalysis, and creation of nanostructures.
Chemical physics:
- Ultrafast and single-molecule spectroscopy of molecules and materials:
- Natural and artificial photosynthesis -
- Light-induced processes in solar energy conversion materials -
- Photoprotection processes -
- Photocatalytic reaction dynamics.
Biomedical laser applications:
- Optical spectroscopy and imaging of malignant disease
- Spectroscopic analysis of gas in tissues for medical diagnostics.
Proton acceleration experiment at the LLC 40-TW system |
Excellence: Research with short-pulse and high-intensity lasers, X-ray sources, astrophysical spectroscopy, chemical physics, quantum information, high-temperature gas diagnostics, environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics and treatment.
- Photoionization in the time and frequency domain, M. Isinger et al., Science 358, 893 (2017)
- Giant Photoluminescence Blinking of Perovskite Nanocrystals Reveals Single-Trap Control of Luminescence, Y. Tian et al., Nano Lett. 15, 1605 (2015)
- Photonic Monitoring of Atmospheric and Aquatic Fauna, M. Brydegaard and S. Svanberg, Laser Photonics Rev., 1800135 (2018)
- FRAME: femtosecond videography for atomic and molecular dynamics, A. Ehn et al., Light: Science & Applications 6, e17045 (2017)
- Optimization of soft X-ray phase-contrast tomography using a laser wakefield accelerator, K. Svendsen et al., Opt. Express 26, 33930 (2018)