Online seminar "Research activities on laser-driven inertial fusion and laser-matter interaction within ENEA Task-Force INER", 13 December 2022
On 13 December 2022, 2:30pm CET, Fabrizio Consoli (ENEA) will present "Research activities on laser-driven inertial fusion and laser-matter interaction within ENEA Task-Force INER" in the frame of the online seminar series organised by GSI, TU Darmstadt and the universities of Frankfurt, Mainz, and Giessen.
Research activities on laser-driven inertial fusion and laser-matter interaction within ENEA Task-Force INER
Since the sixties, the research group operating within the “Laboratorio Gas Ionizzati of CNEN (now ENEA)” performed pioneering experiments on laser-generated plasmas and inertial confinement fusion, under the management of Ugo Ascoli-Bartoli before, and then of Angelo Caruso. Significant achievements, internationally renowned, were obtained both on the experimental and on the theoretical point of view. Today, the Task-Force INER is the formal structure, within ENEA - Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department, dealing with researches on laser-driven inertial fusion and laser-matter interactions. Both theoretical and experimental approaches are applied, and experiments are performed both with the ABC laser operating in ENEA-Frascati and with other laser facilities in Italy and abroad. These activities are usually performed in close collaboration with the main international Institutions operating in this field, and within the main international frameworks.
Primary research topics pursued within the Task-Force are: advanced schemes for inertial confinement fusion, laser-generated electromagnetic pulses, micro- and nano- structured materials, aneutronic fusion reactions, advanced diagnostics of laser-accelerated particles and X-rays. In this presentation, an overview of these research activities and of the latest results will be given, also in relation with the current state-of-the-art.