ReMade@ARI: 3 Calls for Proposals are now open!
Users can submit proposals as follows:
ReMade - TNA
Access for academic researchers and industry
Deadline: 11 October 2023
ReMade - SME
Coordinated and easy access for small and medium enterprises (SME)
Deadline: 15 December 2023
ReMade - IND
Access for any company in collaboration with knowledge providers (academic partner, RTO, CRO, specialised service companies or other similar legal entities)
Deadline: 28 November 2023
ReMade - Pre-Proposal (highly encouraged)
Do you want to benefit from Remade’s support to develop your preliminary research idea(s) into a full proposal? Then simply submit a pre-proposal.
No deadline
For more information and to submit your proposal, please visit the ReMade@ARI website:
As one of six networks participating in ReMade@ARI, Laserlab-Europe provides access to state-of-the-art laser research infrastructures in Europe. The project coordinated by HZDR is funded for four years by the EU with a budget of 13.8 million euros. The following Laserlab-Europe members provide access for scientific and industrial users: CALT, Coimbra Laser Lab, CLPU, ENEA, FELIX, FORTH, HiLASE, HZDR, ICFO, LaserLaB Amsterdam and POLIMI.