2nd Call for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Proposals of the ReMade@ARI project is now open
The ReMade-SME access track represents a great opportunity for SMEs conducting circular economy research to benefit from unique and outstanding services, including an easy and coordinated access to more than 50 European analytical research infrastructures, financial support associated to the experiments, scientific support at the facility and much more.
What does ReMade-SME include?
- ACCESS to the facilities with FULL SUPPORT (including the instrument time, experiment preparation support, and complete data analysis).
- FAST proposal processing, thanks to our continuous submission process, SME’s can submit a proposal any time.
- CONFIDENTIAL RESULTS, no publishing requirements.
Call deadline:
16th of December 2024, applicants can submit a proposal any time until then. Proposal submission via our ARIA Portal here
For more information about ReMade's analytical offer, please visit the catalogue of techniques here.
For more information, please visit:
- ReMade's website here and here
The visual overview of ReMade's services and user access is also available here.
If you have questions, please contact industry@remade-project.eu.
As one of six networks participating in ReMade@ARI, Laserlab-Europe provides access to state-of-the-art laser research infrastructures in Europe. The project coordinated by HZDR is funded for four years by the EU with a budget of 13.8 million euros. The following Laserlab-Europe members provide access for scientific and industrial users: CALT, Coimbra Laser Lab, CLPU, ENEA, FELIX, FORTH, HiLASE, HZDR, ICFO, LaserLaB Amsterdam and POLIMI.