Events 2005
27-28 January 2005 | N4: MIRO Users Training (Session in French language for new MIRO users) |
28 January 2005 | Management Board Meeting, Munich Airport, Germany |
31 January - 01 February 2005 |
N4: MIRO Users Training (Session in French language for new MIRO users) |
03 February 2005 | Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
04 February 2005 |
Participants Council Meeting 2005
Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
21-22 March 2005 | N4: MIRO Users Training (Session in English language for skilled MIRO users) |
04 April 2005 | LASERLAB Workshop on Ultra-high Intensity Interaction Plasma Emission Diagnostics CLF Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, UK |
06-08 April 2005 | LASERLAB User Meeting "Lasers in Physics" St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, UK |
2-3 June 2005 | LASERLAB JRA Meeting in Paris, France |
3 June 2005 | Joint Meeting of the Laserlab Management Board, the Laserlab Access Board and the Access Selection Panel. The meeting was held in connection with the JRA Meeting on June 2-3 in Paris. |
13-16 June 2005 | LASER 2005 - World of Photonics LASERLAB-EUROPE was presented at the International Trade Fair for Optical Technologies in Munich, Germany |
31 August 2005 | LASERLAB / ICUIL Workshop on Radiation Safety at High Power Lasers in connection with the Lasernet Workshop on Laser-Based Plasma X-Ray Lasers (Sept. 1-3) in Prague, Czech Republic |
12-13 September 2005 | Miró Users Club Meeting at CEA/CESTA, Le Barp, France |
30 September 2005 | LASERLAB User Meeting "Chemical, Biological, and Medical Applications of Laser Spectroscopy" organised by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands Agenda |
9 December 2005 | LASERLAB N4 networking activity at the Paris ENSTA headquarters with a presenatation by Algis Piskarskas "Review and recent developments on chirped pulse parametric amplification" followed by a round table discussion. |
9-10 December 2005 | ELI - Extreme Light Infrastructure Workshop at Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée, Palaiseau, France; organized by LOA, FORTH-IESL and Max-Planck-Institut fuer Quantenoptik |
12-13 December 2005 | RICH - Research Infrastructures for Cultural Heritage Conference organized by NMI3 in Trieste, Italy (LaserLab Foresight Activity) |