Events 2005

27-28 January 2005 N4: MIRO Users Training
(Session in French language for new MIRO users)
28 January 2005 Management Board Meeting, Munich Airport, Germany
31 January -
01 February 2005
N4: MIRO Users Training
(Session in French language for new MIRO users)
03 February 2005 Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
04 February 2005 Participants Council Meeting 2005
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
21-22 March 2005 N4: MIRO Users Training
(Session in English language for skilled MIRO users)
04 April 2005 LASERLAB Workshop on Ultra-high Intensity Interaction Plasma Emission Diagnostics
CLF Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, UK
06-08 April 2005 LASERLAB User Meeting "Lasers in Physics"
St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, UK
2-3 June 2005 LASERLAB JRA Meeting in Paris, France
3 June 2005 Joint Meeting of the Laserlab Management Board, the Laserlab Access Board and the Access Selection Panel.
The meeting was held in connection with the JRA Meeting on June 2-3 in Paris.
13-16 June 2005 LASER 2005 - World of Photonics
LASERLAB-EUROPE was presented at the
International Trade Fair for Optical Technologies in Munich, Germany
31 August 2005 LASERLAB / ICUIL Workshop on Radiation Safety at High Power Lasers
in connection with the Lasernet Workshop on Laser-Based Plasma X-Ray Lasers
(Sept. 1-3) in Prague, Czech Republic
12-13 September 2005 Miró Users Club Meeting at CEA/CESTA, Le Barp, France
30 September 2005 LASERLAB User Meeting "Chemical, Biological, and Medical Applications of Laser Spectroscopy"
organised by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
9 December 2005 LASERLAB N4 networking activity at the Paris ENSTA headquarters with
a presenatation by Algis Piskarskas "Review and recent developments on chirped pulse parametric amplification"
followed by a round table discussion.
9-10 December 2005 ELI - Extreme Light Infrastructure
Workshop at Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée, Palaiseau, France;
organized by LOA, FORTH-IESL and Max-Planck-Institut fuer Quantenoptik
12-13 December 2005 RICH - Research Infrastructures for Cultural Heritage
Conference organized by NMI3 in Trieste, Italy
(LaserLab Foresight Activity)