“Wolfgang Sandner” Scientific Excellence Prize for Young Researchers
The Wolfgang Sandner Prize for early career scientists recognizes outstanding instrumental, experimental or theoretical contributions to the scientific field of extreme light research and applications, ranging from ultrahigh power laser research and laser-based plasma physics, to particle acceleration, the study of fundamental radiation-matter interactions, nuclear photonics and attoscience, to only cite a few.
The prize will be awarded by the Extreme Light Infrastructure, ELI, to a young researcher who defended his/her Ph.D. since less than 7 years at the submission deadline, and who has made significant contributions to the field over the past decade, including the doctoral thesis. Nominations of the candidates can be made by any member of the international scientific community. Self-nominations are not accepted. The selection of the successful awardee with be made by an Award Committee consisting of senior scientists from the relevant fields.
The first edition of the prize will be awarded at the occasion of the ELI Summer School (ELISS 2016), which will take place 21-26 August 2016 at ELI Beamlines Dolni Břežany, the Czech Republic. The prize consists of a lecture at the school, allowing the awardee to present its research results, the full coverage of the attendance of the school (travel and subsistence costs), and a cash prize. The prize is sponsored by the ELI Delivery Consortium (ELI-DC) International Association.
Nomination procedure 2016:
A nomination letter summarizing the key achievements of the young researcher deserving such a prize, as well as the clear description his/her own contribution to these research results should be submitted by email to the chair of the Award Committee, Dr. Catalin Miron (Catalin Miron), together with a curriculum vitae of the nominee and additional supporting letters for the nomination. The submission deadline for the nominations is June 15, 2016.