PhD position Ultrafast Charge Transfer Processes, Sorbonne University, Paris, France

The focus of the PhD project is on the mechanisms of charge transfer in organic molecules in condensed phase (solid or liquid), susceptible to be responsible for charge transport in extended media with possible implications in the areas of photovoltaics and radiation-induced damage in biological tissue. The preliminary results on charge transfer in organic polymers and in aqueous solution of aminoacids have been recently achieved using hard X-ray resonant Auger spectroscopy at SOLEIL synchrotron. We plan to reinforce this research direction with a complementary use of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in condensed phase, provided by our recently developed state-of-the-art X-ray emission spectrometer. The PhD project will benefit from a privileged access of our group to the GALAXIES beamline at SOLEIL and from the ongoing international collaborations, providing strong experimental and theoretical support. The young researcher will also have an opportunity to join the international research network beyond the topics directly relevant to the PhD project, e.g. involvement in XFEL activity of the group, which will enhance the employability of the researcher beyond the PhD.
