159 items matching your search terms.
Summer School on Hands-on Design of Metasurfaces for Ultrafast Lasers, 24-26 July 2024, Graz, Austria
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Laserlab-Europe Events
ReMade@ARI webinar: New Avenues for Molecular Architectures’ Manipulation and Controlling Chemical Reactivity: Vibrationally Induced and Quantum Mechanical Tunneling Driven Chemistry
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Laserlab-Europe Events
ReMade@ARI webinar: Time-resolved fluorescence imaging
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Laserlab-Europe Events
ReMade@ARI Webinar: 'Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy' by Giulio Cerullo (POLIMI)
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Laserlab-Europe Events
Hands-on Course on MINDLAB: Manipulating and Investigating Neural Dynamics for Learning and Ageing in the Brain, 12-15 November 2024, Castelldefels/Barcelona, Spain
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Laserlab-Europe Events
VULRC Summer School: Advanced Experimental Training in Laser Physics and Ultrashort Pulse Characterization, 19-23 August 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania
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Laserlab-Europe Events
Laserlab-Europe Talk: Lasers, related radiation sources and diagnostics at ENEA-Frascati for applications to material science, radiation hardness of materials and components
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Laserlab-Europe Events
Laserlab-Europe Talk: Radiation sources based on laser plasma interaction and applications in materials science
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Laserlab-Europe Events
Laserlab-Europe Talk: Some representative results on planetology of laboratory at LULI
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Laserlab-Europe Events
Laserlab-Europe General Assembly Meeting, 21-22 October 2024, Crete, Greece
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Laserlab-Europe Events