Quantum Chemistry
Using spectroscopy to study energy quantization on the molecular scale, and better understand electronic structure and molecular dynamics.
LENS (Florence, Italy)
LENS, the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy, is a center of excellence at the University of Florence. Research interests include photonics, biophysics, chemistry and atomic physics. Three different main research areas (BIOPHOTONICS, PHOTONIC MATERIALS, ATOMIC PHYSICS) and more than twenty research topics, corresponding to active laboratories, are presently running.
MBI (Berlin, Germany)
MBI conducts basic research in nonlinear optics, ultrafast dynamics, the interaction of matter with laser light, and into the resulting applications. It develops and utilizes ultrashort and ultrafast lasers and laser-based short-pulse light sources in a wide spectral range in conjunction with nonlinear spectroscopy methods, as well as combining lasers with x-ray pulses from free electron lasers and synchrotrons.