36th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter ECLIM2022 and EMP Workshop as satellite event
The 36th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter ECLIM2022 will be held at ENEA Research Center in Frascati, Italy on19-23 September 2022
The Conference is intended to be an in-person meeting, an occasion to exchange ideas and to start new collaborations after two years of pandemic, which changed our way of working and discussing. However, the Scientific Committee leaves the option of attending the Conference online.
The website is available at https://agenda.enea.it/e/eclim2022.
You can find the flyer of the event here.
Abstract submission is open from 24 May to 26 June 2022.
Registration is open at https://agenda.enea.it/e/eclim2022.
The EMP Workshop, this year operating as Satellite event of the ECLIM Conference, follows the tradition of the previous editions held in Bordeaux (2016), Warsaw (2017), Frascati (2018) and Prague (2021). The workshop will take place in ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati, Italy on 26 September 2022.
ElectroMagnetic Pulses (EMPs) are generated by laser-matter interactions. They have wide frequency bands, ranging from radiofrequencies-microwaves to terahertz, and intensities that can overcome the MV/m order. The Workshop is meant to informally discuss about modeling, diagnostics, mitigation and potential applications of strong laser-generated EMPs in the whole frequency range, and about related phenomena such as extreme laser-induced currents and ultra-strong quasi-static magnetic and electric fields.
A separate registration to this event is needed following the link: https://agenda.enea.it/e/EMPworkshop2022.
For this event, the abstract submission is open from 24 May to 17 July 2022.
ECLIM is a biennial conference hosted in Europe representing, since its first edition in 1966, an historical meeting for scientists working on the physics of laser-matter interaction with emphasis on laser fusion, laser-produced plasmas, particle generation and acceleration, laser-driven X-ray and EUV sources. The Conference is organized to stimulate the development of research in the broad field of laser-matter interactions with high-power lasers, offering the opportunity to present and discuss new results and projects in a rather informal atmosphere.
The Conference topics include:
- Physics of nanosecond to attosecond laser-matter interactions and laser-generated plasmas
- High power and/or high-energy laser facilities and related technologies
- Ultraintense and/or ultrafast laser secondary sources
- Inertial confinement fusion research
- Laser-driven matter acceleration and compression
- Physics of thermonuclear targets and ignition approaches
- Target technology and applications
- Lasers in material processing and characterization
- Modeling of laser-matter interaction phenomena
- Laser and plasma diagnostics
- Plasma instabilities
- EUV & X-ray lasers