THRILL Summer School on laser technology for high-energy lasers, 7-11 October 2024, Hyères, France

The EU funded project THRILL organises a summer school on laser technology for high-energy lasers from 7 to 11 October 2024 in Hyères, France.

Focus topics will be:

  • laser architecture and laser amplification
  • diagnostics and beam quality control
  • AI in optimization and control
  • optical coating technologies

The school will alternate lectures and directed work in small groups.

PhDs & early career scientists are invited to register through the event website before 31 July 2024.

If your institute is not a member of the THRILL consortium, the participation fee for the summer school in EUR1.000 and includes Board and Accommodation as well as a bike excursion on the island of Porquerolles.

Scientists from Laserlab-Europe members are particularly encouraged to participate. A limited number of bursaries is available.


Registration Deadline: 31 July 2024


Further information on the Thrill project >>