Expert Group Laser-generated EMP Workshop, 26 September 2022, Frascati, Italy

Satellite meeting of the ECLIM conference

The EMP Workshop, this year operating as Satellite event of the ECLIM Conference, follows the tradition of the previous editions held in Bordeaux (2016), Warsaw (2017), Frascati (2018) and Prague (2021).
The workshop will take place in ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati, Italy on 26 September 2022.

ElectroMagnetic Pulses (EMPs) are generated by laser-matter interactions. They have wide frequency bands, ranging from radiofrequencies-microwaves to terahertz, and intensities that can overcome the MV/m order.

The Workshop is meant to informally discuss about modeling, diagnostics, mitigation and potential applications of strong laser-generated EMPs in the whole frequency range, and about related phenomena such as extreme laser-induced currents and ultra-strong quasi-static magnetic and electric fields.

A separate registration to this event is needed following the link:
For this event, the abstract submission is open from 24 May to 17 July 2022.