10-12 April 2019, Nordic Training School for Potential Users “Luminescence dynamics: analyzing relaxation processes”, Riga, Latvia
- https://www.laserlab-europe.eu/events/laserlab-events/2019/10-12-april-training-school-luminescence-dynamics
- 10-12 April 2019, Nordic Training School for Potential Users “Luminescence dynamics: analyzing relaxation processes”, Riga, Latvia
- 2019-04-10T08:00:00-02:00
- 2019-04-12T20:00:00-02:00
- When Apr 10, 2019 08:00 AM to Apr 12, 2019 08:00 PM (Etc/GMT+2 / UTC-200)
- Add event to calendar iCal
We are pleased to announce the "Laserlab-Europe Nordic Training School for Potential Users" that will take place at the University of Latvia in Riga on April 10-12, 2019. In parallel, the 15th International Young Scientist Conference "Developments in Optics and Communications 2019 (DOC)", organised by the University of Latvia SPIE and OSA student chapters, will take place on April 11-12, 2019.
Young researchers and graduate students with interest in laser physics are invited to register for the Laserlab Training School, where they can acquire hands-on training in one of the three laser physics laboratories at the University of Latvia (see below). Participation is free of charge.
Details about the venue, travel and accommodation can be found here.
Travel grants
Foreign participants can participate in a competition for travel grants, partly covering travel expenses and accommodation (student hostel). Further information is available by email nordic.training.school at laserlab-europe.eu.
If you need a visa to enter Latvia, please contact the organisers by March 15, 2019.
Registration / Letter of motivation
To apply for participating in the Laserlab-Europe Nordic Training School for Potential Users, please, fill in the registration form available here. The deadline for registrations is March 20, 2019.
In addition, you are asked to submit a letter of motivation according to the instructions below to the organizers through the submission tool provided here.
- Motivation to participate in Laserlab-Europe Training School (300-400 words)
- Brief CV, including current scientific/research specialization
Laboratory hands-on exercises
During the registration, you will be asked to select your preferred laboratory exercise hosted by the University of Latvia's laser facilities described below:
UL Laser Centre:
A) Nitrogen vacancy imaging
In this session laserlab participants will work with an epifluorescence microscopy setup where optically detected magnetic resonance signals are used to extract local magnetic field information thus achieving magnetic imaging with optical resolution.
B) Nitrogen vacancy relaxation
In this lab students will have the opportunity to go through a series of pulsed experiments to determine the different relaxation rates that characterize the diamond, as well as context for what to expect for different kinds of diamonds.
Institute of Solid State Physics:
C) Temperature impact on luminescence excitation spectra
In this experiment, polycrystalline powder samples or glass ceramic samples will be used to study luminescence processes. These samples will be mounted in cold finger closed cycle He cryostat. The experimental setup will involve a Xe lamp coupled to monochromators allowing to scan excitation light in ultraviolet and visible spectral region and laser diodes with different wavelength.
D) Time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy under direct and up-conversion excitation: what is common and what is different?
In this laboratory work students will perform luminescence kinetic measurements under direct excitation, when excitation radiation photon energy is greater than luminescence photon energy, and under up-conversion excitation, when excitation radiation photon energy is smaller than luminescence photon energy.
Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy:
E) Propagation time of photons through tissues (photon time-of-flight)
This laboratory exercise offers an introduction to light scattering and diffuse reflection in tissue. The photon time-of-flight will be measured using a time-correlated single photon counting system (TCSPC) from Becker&Hickl and a Fianium White-Laser-Micro with a broad spectral emission (400nm –1000nm); the wavelength of interest will be selected by using interference filters.
Further information is available by email nordic.training.school at laserlab-europe.eu.