Tenure Track Faculty position in Physical Chemistry Expt or Theory, Stony Brook University, NY, USA

The Department of Chemistry at Stony Brook University seeks to hire a tenure track faculty member at the Assistant Professor level to begin Fall 2025. Applicants who are either experimentalists or theoreticians with a strong interest in physical, biophysical, analytical, atmospheric, surface, and/or environmental chemistry, broadly defined, are encouraged to apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree and postdoctoral experience in either Chemistry or a closely related field, a demonstrated excellence in innovative research, and a strong commitment to teaching undergraduate and graduate chemistry. The new faculty member is expected to establish a vibrant, extramurally funded research program. Their program may synergize with Stony Brook University’s strategic priorities in global health, quantum information, and climate change and/or existing departmental strengths in light-driven chemistry, imaging and sensing, the chemistry-biology interface, materials, computation and data-driven chemistry, and synthesis and catalysis.

Deadline 15th September 2024