Postdoc position Computational Chemistry, Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Condensed Phase Atmospheric Reactions, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
A postdoctoral research position is available in the group of Professor R. Benny Gerber at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The initial position is for one year, with possible extension upon mutual consent for a second year. Candidates should have obtained their Ph.D. within the last five years, in theoretical or computational chemistry or in a related research area. Interested candidates should write to Professor R. Benny Gerber at Applicants should include: 1) A C.V., 2) A list of publications, 3) A letter stating research interests and background. Applicants should also arrange for at least two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to Professor Gerber at The successful applicant will pursue research on one or two of the following topics:
1) Mechanisms of molecular reactions in condensed phases using ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations, e.g. atmospheric reactions at interfaces.
2) Reactions of radicals in aerosols: predictions and analysis of atmospheric processes.
3) Prediction of structures and properties of new crystalline materials, e.g. new molecular solids of noble gas compounds, new polynitrogen crystals.