15 PhD positions Attosecond and Quantum Information Science, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Training Network QU-ATTO,
In the framework of the recently funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Training Network Quantum information science and Ultrafast nonlinear coherent control at the ATTOsecond timescale (QU-ATTO), we offer 15 PhD positions in the field of attosecond and quantum information science. The network runs from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2028 and is funded under the Horizon Europe programme. The PhD students will work on state-of-the-art projects under the supervision of internationally renowned leading experts in the field. The candidates will be exposed to different scientific environments, including small laboratories, large facilities, research laboratories in the private sector and outreach centres. The QU-ATTO network will provide a wide range of training activities including webinars, scientific courses and specific research training modules offered by the different partners of the network. The training programme will be complemented by three schools on outreach activities,cutting-edge scientific topics and innovation management, which will be offered during the lifetime of the network.
Deadline 30th September 2024